For the next two seasons as we celebrate our 30th Anniversary Season, we will be paying tribute to historic players (and events) that happened throughout the previous 29-years.
Enjoy as we spotlight our former veterans who helped put the Over-30 League on the map making the league fun and highly competitive.
Week #15 (4-9-22)
Board Members
Week #13 (3-26-22)
Reverse The Curse Alumni
Week #12 (3-19-22)
First Lady's of the Over 30 League
Week #11 (3-12-22)
Jeff D'Addario-Denny Beaupre-Jamie Byrne
Week #10 (3-5-22)
Peter Moniz
Rich Chenell
Week #9 (2-26-22)
Mac & Marty Makarewicz
Week #8 (2-19-22)
Brien Sullivan
Week #7 (2-12-22)
Paul White
Dicky Dow
Week #6 (2-5-22)
Peabody Warriors Jamie Vlasuk
Week #3 (1-22-22)
Team USA alumni - Joe Penta - Phil Russo - John Cannatella - Alby Luise
Week #18 (12-18-21)
Dave Malta 1992 Season Playoff Champion
Week #12 (11-13-21)
Steve Witkus joined by the top defensemen of the Over-30 league
Week #11 (11-6-21)
Rob Sheridan
Week #10 (10-30-21)
Dave Simeone-Rick Lavoie-Jim Lavoie
Week #8 (10-23-21)
Al Sumner-Steve Manzi. Al Sumner acting as a referee...........looks like time does change people.