Now it’s time for Dave Letterman’s Top 10
“Lighten Up Francis” Over-30 Hockey League Players
#1 Ray Nickerson - Not one to hide his emotions or feelings. Ray will critique and hurl insults about your game play right on the deck (even with you standing next to him).
#2 Steve Oppedisano - Stumbling and never smiling … Steve can often be seen giving his team’s captain or the league director an ear full of advice.
#3 Jon Pickard - Call it a completive edge, a drive to win… An inspirational teammate, but you can’t be a Referee and a Player in the same game (Pic one)
#4 Bill Abcunas - Mr. “Way too serious”, he can often be seen on the dek ignoring his adoring heckling fans and taking stupid “goon-like” penalties. Lighten up, you only have a few years left to play.
#5 Mike Caso - Once a power forward Mike’s “Al Bundy’s 4-touchdowns in a game moment” came in the Winter 2007 season when he tied Jim Barber with 13-Goals to lead the league in goals that season. Now he’s becoming that old lady on the block who complains about the kids in the neighborhood when the ball goes in her yard.
#6 Bill Gardynski Jr - A chip off the old block
#7 Bill Gardynski Sr - Never meet a goal he didn’t like... and never met a defensemen that didn’t screen him.
#8 Luigi Derenzes - Sometimes with the attitude of Glum from The Adventures of Gulliver (It will never work, well never make it)… we guess he’s referring to the post season.
#9 Mauro Colucciello - Playing with his brother for too long… blind passes, behind the back mis-fire passes and just plain no pass at all have taken its toll playing with his brother John.
#10 Tony Medeiros - Mr. Shoot first then shoot some more… a very antagonistic player who plays every shift out to prove that he is the real Portuguese Power Player of the Over-30 league. Lighten up and learn to have fun like fellow Gueses’ George Mereiros and Dominic DeFrancisco