Hocketown Mosquito?
We had to stop Mike Surette before he went downstairs to file a formal complain about the Mosquitos at Hocketown.
Last week late in the 3rd period, "The BIG Man" thought he was bitten in the neck by a large Mosquito. It wasn't till after the game that we had to explain this it wasn't a Mosquito.., it was actually a shot from the Ed Nigro.
Pervert Patrol
With all the current Hollywood types, Politicians and News Media Personnel being ousted for sexual harassment.., the Over-30 League is conducting its own investigation into why the Assistant League Director Mike Naczas was prancing around the dek last week taking pictures or players in various stages of getting dressed.
Is this some sick new perversion.., or was Mike "doing what he was instructed to do" for another sick pervert higher up?
If you feel your privacy has been violated we encourage you to file a class action lawsuit against the ALD with the law office of Wienstien-Lauer & Associates
The Hop Alongs
Now that Joe Shannon has "un-retired" again.., and is officially on the Maybe One roster.., can we now refer to them as "The Hop Alongs"
Newly acquired defenseman Joe and EVERY Forward (Matty Iannello, Ray Nickerson, Pat Pirone, Joe Mancinelli, Tony Mastrocola, Johnny Mastrocola and Scotty Young (when he shows) all have some sort of lower body impairment that prevents them from running normal.
Ironically it's their original Defense of John Carey, Derek Powers, Brien Sullivan and Alex Leone that are the healthiest runners on the team.., which makes us want to issue an public apology to the league's worst GAA leader Jeff Deharo.
We're sorry Jeff.., apparently 63% of your team is legally disabled and unable to back check to support the defense and yourself.., and here we were blaming you the whole time. Our sincerest apologies Jeff and good luck with Joe and whatever limited time he gives you (before he retires again) mid-season.
Triumph the Insult Timekeeper
Newly indicted ALD Mike Naczas was filling for the absent timekeeper Don.., and apparently he brought his "Triumph the insult dog puppet" with him in the timekeepers box as Naz was all over various players all game long..,
Hey Jim Barber.., your switch hockey game sucks so bad that it's almost "Bad enough for me to poop on"
Hey Mauro Colucciello.., keep shooting those high and wide shots.., maybe all of the five sticks you brought.., "Need to be pooped on"
Ray Nickerson.., why you yelling at Jon Picard for giving you a penalty.., if your stick was any higher.., "It would be too high for me to poop on"
Jeff Deharo.., you almost won the Dunkin Donuts Player of the Week Award.., but then you gave up a goal.., "So I had to poop on your award"
Call Your Shots
Hey Alex Leone.., just like in pool you need to call your bank shots.., we didn't hear you say "orange ball off the bench boards and into the open net".., but seeing you're in law enforcement.., we'll let you keep the goal. Like Toronto says " It's a good goal".
The Real Reason
Matty Iannello thinks Joe Shannon came back to help his team get into the playoffs.., but our TMZ reporter found out the "real reason" Joe has returned to the Over-30 League is because his "All-Time Goals" of 505 are in jeopardy of being dethroned by "The Great One".
Matty who previously overthrew the All-Time Points & All-Time Assists Leader Ray "The Boss" Nickerson.., now has Joe's record in his sights as Matty is now just 36-goals behind the leader.
Rumor has it that Ray has paid Joe a substantial amount of money to return ($250 per season) to be exact.., in exchange Joe will help Ray regain his #1 titles.., and together have vowed to keep Matty of the scoring sheets.