Official Newsletter of the Old-Time Hockey Over-30 League
33-Seasons and counting...
Article 521 - September 7, 2024
| Sir Walter Scott
Nicknamed “The Great Unknown,” Scott secretly published his wildly successful “Waverley” novels and, in so doing, helped forge the genre of historical fiction.
He maintained anonymity for years, keeping his work a secret even from his own children.
2024-2025 Opening Statement |
It’s the most wonderful time of the year… no not Christmas…, not the kids going back to school…, but the start of the 33rd Season of the Over-30 Hockey League.
This season we are excited to bring you some fresh new ideas and raffles…, a new board member…, a new league logo…, and it all kicks off with the “Season of giving back” starting on Week #1.
Quick Reminders and Updates:
- Shooting the ball in the defensive zone and hitting the netting (in the defensive zone) prior to the center blue line is a delay of game penalty.
- All icing calls will result in the centerman choosing which faceoff dot he desires.
- Grabbing the ball is allowed (anywhere on the rink) as long as it’s placed straight down and not advanced forward.
- Hand passes are allowed…, in the defensive zone only.
- For the new players… calling or waving for a pass with a high stick will result in a high sticking penalty.
- Regular season overtime will remain 3-on-3 (4-minutes running time,1-minute stop time).
- All overtime penalties will result in stop time as well
New Updates for 2024
- Lobbing is allowed…, but hitting the ceiling (anywhere on the rink) will result in a delay of game penalty.
- All penalties will result in the centerman choosing which faceoff dot he desires.
Lastly…, Don’t forget to look good and smile for the camera.
See you all tomorrow…oh and here’s your first installment of the weekly forum from our newest writer “Sir Walter Scott”.
Bill Abcunas
League Director
Truth... Lies... Facts... and Over-30 Fiction |
Webster Definition
Commitment (noun)
Com·mit·ment - kə-ˈmit-mənt
1a: an agreement or pledge to do something in the future, a commitment to improve especially an engagement or to assume a financial obligation at a future date
1b: something pledged.
1c: the state or an instance of being obligated or emotionally impelled a commitment to a cause.
With that definition, we often say this is an “Invitational Only” league and yes there is a financial “commitment” to the league…, but more importantly we like to invite players who will also be “committed” to playing for their team every week (barring an injury).
Playoff tip: We would suggest you look at the full schedule (especially the playoffs) and assume your team will need you in the playoffs/finals. Before you book a winter vacation and/or national tournament (or local co-ed tournament). There are (11) other guys who have invested their time and money…, and are counting on you to help them win a championship.
Season of Giving Back
A few years ago, we dubbed the 30th Anniversary Season as the “Wow Factor” …, and for the upcoming 2024-2025 season(s) we are promoting them as the “Season of Giving Back”.
Thanks to the 2023-2024 fundraising efforts (Raffles, Players Jamboree & Over-30 Golf Day) ..., the league is putting those funds raised back into the league.
Starting with Week #1 there will be plenty of surprises and wow factors as the “Season of
Giving Back” starts with a bang (right after you pay your deposit and sign your application).
Before we continue any further with the forum… we must issue a forewarning about this upcoming season.
All the captains should have notified their teams about the “non-hydrating” beverages in Hecklers Row and Scoreboards Pub & Grill.
The league is instituting a strict “No Open Carry” unwritten policy.
- Please do not blatantly carry unconcealed “Racks” into the building.
- Please do not walk around and “Open Carry” …, use a disguise or a koozie.
Violators will be issued a verbal and/or written warning…, if repeated infractions occur, then the individual players will be subjected to a (minimum) 1-game suspension, and possible additional disciplinary actions from the league (up to and including) seasonal suspension or expulsion from the Over-30 League.
For those “Hecklers” in “Hecklers Row” …, We get it, chirping and heckling are part of the game. But if it becomes too personal, too over the top, and too excessive, to the point that it becomes a negative distraction to the game and/or individual players…, the league’s zoning board will step in and pull the occupancy permit… and shut it down.
We Salute You
The Over-30 League has always been arguably one of the best organized “invitational only” leagues in street hockey existence. Certainly, one of the longest and continuously run private leagues that was started back in 1992.
Fast forward 32-years later and we still have players who are now in their 60’s still competing and still having fun being part of the Over-30 Hockey League family. In fact (5) players playing in season 33…, also played in season 01, when they had to walk to the games (both ways) uphill in the snow.
One of the league’s original players, Ed Nigro just officially retired after 29-years (58-seasons) playing in the league and he still holds the record for the most championships won with 25-trips to the finals and 17-Championships to show for it.
Like AC/DC says, “For those about to rock…, we salute you!” For those who are about to turn 60 and/or is already 60+ years old and you’re picking up a stick for another season of competitive hockey…, “We salute you too!!!”
2024-2025 |
Season(s) |
Player |
Start |
End |
Jim Clarke |
59 |
60 |
Doug Sedille |
59 |
60 |
Tony Bono |
60 |
61 |
Alex Leone |
60 |
61 |
Shawn Mulcahy |
60 |
61 |
Mike Luise |
61 |
62 |
Bob Snyder |
61 |
61 |
Nick Romano |
61 |
62 |
Pat Pirone ** |
62 |
63 |
Ray Nickerson ** |
63 |
64 |
Mike Naczas ** |
63 |
64 |
Mark Stickney |
65 |
66 |
Paul White ** |
66 |
66 |
Dan Broderick ** |
67 |
68 |
* * Season 1 Players |
When you see these (14) guys playing this season… ask yourself one question: Are they playing like their age?
For most of us who truly love this game, we can only dream of still being able to play into our 50’s…, never mind our 60’s!!
It’s also noteworthy that (24) players are starting and playing this season in their 50’s.., another (25) players in their 40’s… and then we have the real “Over-30” players with only (8) in their 30’s and one lonely toddler in the group at only 28-years old (40-years younger than our eldest player).
Remember to please respect our senior veterans, even if they are driving slow in the high-speed passing lanes (aka) “up the boards”…, and save the parking spaces closest to the doors for them too. You young whippersnappers can walk a few extra parking spaces on your way into the facility.
Welcome Wagon
As we salute our senior veterans…, we want to take this time to recognize our newest players that are either joining for the first time or are returning for an official “rookie season”, and lastly a few returning veteran players to the lineups.
Please welcome our newbies with the 2024 Rookie Class, Eric Fortin, John Cafarella, Kyle McCabe, and AJ Larabee. Welcome to the Over-30 League.
Welcome back, Jose Silva who is returning for his official “rookie” season. Last season Jose was a late entry for White Lies.
After filling in for 7-games last season with Royal Family…, Mike O’Neill is ready to start just his 3rd season as a full-time drafted player. Mike brings a ton of goal scoring experience and according to the word on the street…, “He’s coming for records!”.
Jake Deehan is back from off-season surgery as he made his return to Over-30 action playing last spring in the Over-30 Players Jamboree , where he went 1-1-1 with a 2.66 GAA. This season with his “5-Hole” surgery complete, look for Jake to make a run for the middle of the goalie pack..., we’re predicting 3rd or 4th this season (unless Jake proves us wrong).
Team USA player Tommy Gallagher is playing in his first full season as a returning veteran. Last season Tommy was a late season addition to Royal Family and his presence along with his hockey skills helped turn that team around just before the playoffs. Now he’s back full time and the league couldn’t be happier with another TEAM USA member playing in the league.
To those new players: This is the weekly Forum Newsletter where we highlight the plays of the week (including weekly lowlights) …, we also highlight the “Player(s) of the week” along with the “Chirps of the Week” ..., and lastly, we also use this forum as a tool to motivate individual players or sometimes a slumping team.
It’s all done tastefully, respectfully through humor and wit…, so if you read about yourself here…, be thankful you were noticed (good or bad) as there is no such thing as bad press.
Once again “Welcome (or welcome back) to the Over-30 League” and don’t forget to check in weekly to see if you are a trending news story.
New 2024 Logo
The “New Regime” of Mike Naczas and Jim Barber have always been fighting for change over the years, first was an upgrade to the new style of championship jackets…, followed by dozens and dozens of “Fresh New Ideas” to keep the league exciting and relevant.
Their constant bickering to upgrade the outdated “Old Man Logo”…, which was officially retired in 2021 when the 30th Anniversary and one-off “Reaper Logo” gave the original old man logo his retirement papers.
After the one-off Reaper Logo designed by Todd Bryson was used for the 30th Anniversary Season, the league turned to Jason Glista for a new and updated old man logo also referred to as the “Viking Logo” for the 2022-2024 seasons.
Now, once again Todd was tasked to bring a new “reimagined” Over-30 Hockey League logo to be used for the next undetermined number of years.
The new Over-30 Hockey League “Father Time” will be unveiled this Saturday and then be incorporated into the website once it’s released.
The original "Old man" |
The Reaper |
The Viking |
Father Time |
Player Photos
Don’t forget Week #1 we will be taking player photos for the website. Make sure you smile for the camera (after paying your dues) and get your new team jersey for the photo.
New for 2024… The player photo will not only be used for weekly stars but for also the weekly player awards.
The silhouette stock image and Mike Naczas have both officially retired as the weekly awards photographer and awaiting photo placeholder.
No more pre-game photos holding an award. Your stock photo will be used…, so make sure you look good. As always “Goofy” and photos not meeting league standards will be rejected and retaken.
New Board Member
The Over-30 League would like to announce and congratulate Tony Medeiros as the newly appointed “Director of Fundraising and Special Events”.
Tony brings a vast knowledge of organizational hockey and fundraising as the former President of Billerica Youth Hockey. Rumor has it that Tony stepped down this season as President to focus his efforts on his new role within the Over-30 League.
As the real “Portuguese Power” he will be bringing additional “Fresh New Ideas” as the 3rd member of the “New Regime” joining Assistant League Director Mike Naczas and the Director of Marketing/Webmaster Jim Barber.
So please congratulate Tony when you see him..., and we look forward to the exciting fundraising raffles and events we are planning for the 2024-2025 seasons.
There will be some exciting new raffles and giveaways throughout the entire season (so watch for updates and promotions). Also, as long as Lee Nogler is in the league you can guarantee a raffle for a basket of liquor, and any type of “Squares” will all be part of the fundraising efforts.
The Draft
There are multiple aspects to consider for the Over-30 Draft. The team(s) and player(s) are drafted for the intended purpose of “when you have a full team” …, that all teams are created equally for a competitive balance during the weekly matchups and competitions.
Start taking away pieces of the team (weekly) and it changes the “team chemistry” and sometimes drastically. Underperforming to your intended drafted skillset will also affect your future draft ranking.
Moral of the story from the opening forum article:
- Commit to your teammates by playing every week.
- Commit yourself financially to the league and pay your dues on time.
- Commit to yourself by being competitive every week.
Naming Committee
Every late summer the naming committee gets together to discuss the completed draft and toss ideas around for team names and logos. In the old days the captains were tasked with naming their own team within 1-week after getting their team roster from the League Director.
For the 30th Anniversary Season we took that away from the captains and put it in the hands of the naming committee…, we did that, so we could have newly created team logos to complement the name and have a reveal party for the captains meeting.
There’s sometimes a hidden theme… like last season every team had their primary color in the team’s name. Years prior it was about a player or group of players.
This year the naming committee didn’t disappoint us again as we give you the 2024-2025 team names and logos.
With leadership coming from one of the great and only undefeated captains of the league…, you then surround him with a bunch of players that are willing to “buy in” on his style of hockey and leadership and you have yourself a team full of “Dominions”.
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Phoenix Rising
Take the greatest player ever to play in the league… then remove him for an entire season for a near death experience (unless you ask the ALD) then it was just a “minor” open heart procedure… but regardless of the severity it’s all about the rising up from the ashes…, as we watch for the “Phoenix Rising” this season.
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Two of the toughest competitors in the league are about to team up to lay the smackdown on the competition. A “reigning champion” and a “superstar runner up” are about to show the rest of the league what “Hammertime” is all about.
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Azores Express
Rewarding his inaugural performance as a new Over-30 Captain… as winning a championship comes with privileges and honor. Watch out, that light at the end of the tunnel just might be the #55 “Azores Express”.
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What do you get when you combine a team of new injuries, old injuries, and plaguing injuries…, you get the new “M*A*S*H” 2024th of course. The question is, will they all stay healthy long enough to make it to the playoffs?
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Barney & Friends
I love you…, You love me..., We're a happy family
With a great big hug…, And a kiss from me to you
Won't you say you love me too?
Each week tune in not on Saturday mornings…, but on Saturday nights to watch the 2024 reboot of “Barney & Friends”.
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#77 Returns
Matty Iannello had a tough decision to make over the summer…, No he wasn’t contemplating retirement because of his surgery…, he was thinking about selling his Mylec to the Leominster Hall of Fame and becoming a professional corn hole player.
Turns out Leominster didn’t want his stick and winning 1st place in corn hole only got him $35 bucks and a new set of bean bags.
Instead “The Great One” is paying the $340 like the rest of you and his single mission this season is not a championship (he has plenty of them). His mission this season is to stop Mike Duggan and his reign of consecutive scoring titles before he gets to #5. He has the next two seasons to try and end his streak at #3 (or #4).
Considering Matty spent an entire season sitting on the shelf and a hospital bed…, we heard it through a reliable source that WynnBET Boston Sportsbook set the over/under on a successful return at a measly 15-points (1-point per game) for greatness.
Place your bets:
- +15 (-150)
- 15 (even)
- -15 (+300)
We also heard that “The Great One” was spotted at Encore and (à la) Pete Rose put (5) Franklins on the under… so bet wisely.
No More for Four
Coming off a year hiatus and barely holding a hockey stick…, there is no way in hell Matty Iannello is single-handedly going to outscore Mike “Doo-gan” Duggan (who is coming off his 31-goals, 47-points season) and his second straight Mylec Player of the Year Award Winner…, but here’s the plan to stop Mike from climbing to the #1 spot.
Mike O’Neill and Garvin Chan are two key players tasked with keeping “Doo-gan” out of the #1 spot.
These two must take “Great Passes” from “The Great One” and do “Great Things” with them… like bury goals and insuring Matty gets his assists to help him climb the leader board and defeat the current reigning points leader and return the throne to the rightful King!
We heard through the grapevine that Mike O’Neill is, and I quote “Coming for Records” this season. Here’s a couple of regular season records for you to chase Mike:
- Joe Shannon (65-points) – (set in 1995)
- Joe Shannon (35-goals) – (set in 1995) - Twice
- Ray Nickerson (39-Assists) – (set in 1997)
- Mike Duggan (6-goals in a game) – (set in 2024)
- 15-games played in the regular season (Too many players to list)
Over-30 Players in the news |
Summer Champs
As always, we want to take this opportunity to congratulate the Over-30 players and their summer championships in the offseason.
The 2024 MISI Champions Cherry Poppers led by first time captain Mike Duggan, who only agreed to be a captain for the free beer at Hooters on draft day…, as Doo-gan” didn’t know the names of half the players he was picking…., but still somehow managed to almost run the table with a 9-1 regular season and 2-0 in the playoffs
2024 MISI Champions - Cherry Poppers |
Congratulations to Mike and the rest of the Over-30 players on Cherry Poppers: Steve Silveria, Leo Trombley, Tony Bono, Nick Romano, Mike Surette, Dale McIssac, John Carey, John Kelleher, Ed Nigro. Katie “KG” Gardner and Sara “Wink” Burke (aka Mrs. Tito).
Also, congratulations to Mike Surette on his 3rd consecutive MISI Championship… and two-in-a-row for Mike Duggan, Steve Silveria, John Kelleher and Katie “KG” Gardner.
Crank It Up!
We wanted to give you a little motivational tune for the ride in on Saturday.
Crank it up… “Full speed or nothing!!!”